Grow your email marketing list 

5 Tips on how to grow your email marketing list.

Did you know that email marketing can be 40 times more effective than social media marketing for customer acquisition? That’s right, email is 40 times as effective as both Twitter and Facebook combined at acquiring new customers. Many bloggers and business owners don’t realise the importance of building an email list when they’re first starting out. 

Email marketing is one of the best ways for your customers to return to your business and to attract new ones. It gives you the possibility to talk one on one with your customer, has a relatively low cost and is easy to track. 

I’ve put together a few handy top tips so you can watch your email list grow like wildfire. 

Tip #1 

Personalise your emails 

More than 70% of consumers say that a personalised email is more likely to influence their decision to read the email. Adding just a personal hint makes clients feel special. 

A personalised email doesn’t just have to be including your client’s name in the subject line of the email. Most email marketing software has features to add extra personal touches, for example, the ‘merge tag’ function in mailchimp, which can identify special dates such as birthdays.

Tip #2 

Knowing your audience 

When you grow your email subscriber list, it involves getting to know more about your old and new clients. 

 Find out what your subscriber’s interests are, their pain points, where they live etc. 

You can start segmenting your audience into sections, once you have gathered all of the relevant information. This way, your subscribers will only receive emails that are relevant to them. 

For example, a beauty retailer may offer customers an opportunity to subscribe to a newsletter that sends them offers for certain brands that only they are interested in.

Tip #3 

Call to action 

A CTA (call to action) is a piece of content that urges potential clients to take a certain action.

Adding a call to action to ‘subscribe to your email list’ on your social media pages can encourage people to subscribe. Another example of this could be adding swipe up links on stories on Instagram, adding links on your social media such as your Instagram bio.

Overall, CTA’s can help you grab the attention of potential consumers and encourage them to purchase your products or services.

Tip #4 

Have a blog 

Having a blog is a great way to boost your presence online. You can collect email addresses through blog subscriptions and deliver worthy content straight to your audience’s inbox. 

Blogs are beneficial as they can drive traffic to your website. Every time you publish a blog post, it’s one more index page on your website, which gives more opportunities for you to show up on search engines. 

They can increase your ranking on search engines like Google and go a long way to establishing brand credibility. You can also collect email addresses via blog subscriptions and deliver quality content right to their inboxes. 

Tip #5 

Make your content valuable.

Creating valuable content is one of the most important things you can do to attract clients and create interest in your business. 

The content you create communicates a message, educates your potential clients, and persuades them to purchase your products and services over your competition. Your job is to make it worth their while by providing interesting, engaging content. You will quickly lose subscribers if your content is boring or not applicable to your followers. 

Growing your email subscriber list is an ongoing practice. So whether you’re planning on carrying out all of these 5 tips, or even just a few. It’s critical that you make it a routine effort 

It does not matter what industry you are in, if you have a website, and you want to turn your visitors into returning customers, then you need to get them in your email list. 

In conclusion, if you’re ready to see an increase in communication, loyalty, and revenue. Then start applying all of these tips and watch your business grow and evolve!

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